Proofpoint, a global leader in cybersecurity, has been named Espresa’s 2020 award winner for exceptional innovation and excellence in immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Showing unwavering proactivity to support culture in the new normal, Proofpoint created a success blueprint for others to follow.

See Espresa and Proofpoint’s joint press release

Espresa created this first-ever award based on the amazing work delivered by their clients. “HR and people teams are already burdened with limited resources,” said Alex Shubat, CEO of Espresa. “In this incredible time of COVID, seeing our clients and these HR trailblazers think differently and do more with less and better, really moved us, and the employee engagement needle.”

When COVID-19 hit, Proofpoint immediately instated a safe work-from-home policy for its employees. In doing so, they also changed their Culture Benefits to reflect the needs of their people globally. Proofpoint also extended benefits to dependents and families.

Excerpt from the joint press release:

“Companies worldwide are experiencing challenges never before seen in the workplace,” said Sharyl Givens, senior vice president of Human Resources for Proofpoint. “This is an unprecedented time where leaders can make a defining positive impact on the lives of employees. Protecting people is at the heart of Proofpoint’s purpose and our award-winning cybersecurity solutions—and our global workforce is the key to that success. We are committed to prioritizing the health and safety of our employees while delivering programs that help keep our business strong and deliver for our customers.”

Here are just some of the ways that Proofpoint went above and beyond for their employees:

  • Immediately altered culture and workplace programs entirely to support work from home model
  • Launched challenges to gamify every aspect of employee engagement, including total wellbeing, mindfulness, human connection, and gratitude
  • Used free Espresa virtual fitness classes, including yoga, HIIT, Zumba, Pilates, stretching, and chair exercises
  • Created kids’ programs, including dance, storytelling time, sing-a-longs, STEAM camps, and trivia game shows
  • Launched mental wellbeing programming to provide ongoing mental wellbeing support, including meditation, resilience, mindfulness, and music for relaxation
  • Created a physical activity and nutrition webinar series, including exercise for busy bodies, healthy snacking, and stretch while you work

Globally launching programs is challenging in the best of times. Yet, the Proofpoint HR team sprung to action and took advantage of Espresa’s cloud-based platform to launch these new culture programs to twenty-nine campuses and locations worldwide. “The Espresa platform was designed for teams to be wherever they need to be – on campus, working-from-home, wherever,” discussed Alex Shubat. “And we are uniquely positioned to meet the challenges that HR and employees are facing today. Seeing our clients immediately switch-hit to use the platform as designed is exactly why we created this award.”

Espresa works with some of the most innovative companies in the world and operates on every continent. Assessing and analyzing all their clients’ actions during COVID, Espresa chose to honor Proofpoint. “While all our clients are doing stellar work, Proofpoint’s proactivity and time-to-action really deserve special mention.”

Espresa is awarding its Culture Benefits® Award for Innovation and Excellence annually and expects to announce the next award in September 2021.


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