Supercharge Your Superstars

Experience the best modern Rewards + Recognition platform that people love, only from Espresa.

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Employees want to feel valued for their hard work, especially when going the extra mile on the job. Being recognized and rewarded in front of peers enhances that sense of appreciation and validates their contribution to the company.

Gabrielle Toledano, former Chief People Officer at Tesla, Electronic Arts, and Board of Directors at Namely

Source: Gallup, 2018 Annual Revenue versus Total Lost Productivity


Loyalty lives on Culture Street

Employers as a whole lose money through lost productivity based on employees’ checking out.

In 2018, this figure was a staggering $550,000,000,000 (yes, that’s billions). That’s nearly as much as Facebook’s, Microsoft’s, Amazon’s, and Apple’s combined annual revenue.

Espresa Recognition + Rewards

With Espresa recognition and rewards, you create a rich culture of gratitude.

Espresa is the best modern and global recognition and rewards platform that empowers HR and people teams to engage employees with timely, micro-expressions of consistent appreciation. And it’s not top-down – Espresa inclusively and socially engages all employees in your organization, regardless of location, language, time zone, or currency.

Including peer-to-peer, cross-organization, monetary, and non-monetary rewards, we’re your rewards and recognition engine that drives more fulfilled, happy, and engaged cultures. Plus, you can design and implement programs in minutes.

Powerful Benefits


Shine a spotlight

Connect as many recognition opportunities to culture as possible, in real-time, socially, and globally

The multiplier effect

Reduce your cost per hire by as much as 50% by retaining your superstars and attracting more of them


Rewards at your fingertips

Access over 200 popular vendors for gift cards, branded merchandise, personalized experiences, and bring your favorites to Espresa

Wherever people are, we are

Get the best and fully customizable online and mobile experience for HR and people

See engagement in real-time

360-degree analytics and reporting empower HR decision making, while delivering transparency to leadership

Return-on-Culture™ investment

Get the only recognition and rewards platform that delivers clear return on culture for your organization

Celebrate the good, more often

With Espresa, we’ve reverse-engineered employee happiness, meeting people where they’re at – from campus to home office, and globally.

Recognition that works does not live in silos. And no good deed should go uncelebrated. This is now the culture of small and big wins and everything in between. It’s time to start expressing that contributions of all kinds matter.

We’ve done that by giving benefits teams a platform that removes the administrative burden, while delivering a simple experience that enables quick and frequent celebrations of great work in real time.

Unlike other recognition and rewards programs, Espresa offers a completely unified experience that people love:

  • Peer-to-peer recognition and leaderboards
  • Personalized experiences
  • Customized recognitions
  • Gamification with digital recognition badges
  • Meaningful equity-based awards
  • Scheduled celebrations
  • Access to select and quality-verified experience partners

With Espresa, HR and people teams can:

  • Design and implement programs in minutes
  • Drive meaningful and inclusive culture with social engagement
  • Enable your people to celebrate one another with micro-gestures of gratitude
  • Customize budgets and workflows per department and team
  • Access over 200 popular vendors offering gift cards, branded merchandise, and experiences
  • Visualize recognition and rewards of employees in a single leaderboard

Your competitive advantage is your people. Happy people make more successful companies. Be the company where happiness happens.

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