Unite Your People

Your leading solution for corporate meetups, event scheduling, and attendance tracking from Espresa

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Espresa is the first-ever platform to focus on providing employees with a slick way to find and engage in meetups and events both online and via app. They also give HR solid data to make informed decisions based on their investment.

Joe Farris, Co-Founder of Nua Group, former Senior Partner at Mercer

Source: Industry data and Espresa client data

With Espresa

Build and evolve a sustainable community of people

Espresa’s meetings and events platform take employee experience and engagement to rocket levels, while dramatically reducing the HR administrative burden. In the world of “herding cats,” getting people together, be it virtual or otherwise is difficult and inefficient at best. Plus, unintegrated and multiple systems make it so there is no way to track event success and attendance outside of manual processes.

Espresa designed our robust meetings and events solution to simplify launch and management on a global scale and with 100% transparency on success metrics.

Espresa Meetings + Events

Every company has a culture. The question is whether it’s a culture employees identify with and participate in during their workday. With Espresa, we empower you and your employees with a global and multi-lingual platform with complete access control by site location, department, and employee type. Offering HR and benefits teams the ultimate flexibility, there are multiple options for attendance tracking, including QR code check-ins, directly from the Espresa mobile app.

Plus, there’s integrated messaging and real-time employee feedback, so benefits teams have a transparent view into meetings and events success. Espresa also auto-syncs to your Google and Outlook calendars, integrating with how you work, not the other way around.

Disrupting culture for good.

Drive engagement with your employees with an online and mobile platform that employees love. Espresa’s meetings and events platform can be used in amazing ways to unite your culture. Have employee resource groups either formal and/or informal? Now think team building, hackathons, benefits fairs, gym and fitness classes. With Espresa, employees can to come together easily while HR sees 360-degree, real-time data to make culture-driven decisions that spark an ongoing and positive ripple effect.

Powerful Benefits

Control everything

Establish templates for different locations, campuses, offices, and distributed workmates in minutes

Empower your workmates

Turn on an off tracking rights for administrators and organizers by meeting and event type

Flexible attendance tracking

Offer pre-registration, drop-in, and check-in options via QR code scan with Espresa's mobile app, so you can track attendance in real-time

The power of social

Build momentum and excitement with your meetings and events with online and in-app messaging, so employees can like, tag, and share events

Marketing in app

Pop-up branded banners and marketing pages for your meetings and events within the Espresa platform so you can promote your meetings and events with ease

Let data tell the story

Get 360-degree transparency, so you know exactly how your meetings and events are being attended while enabling employs to provide feedback and review

Be the place where community happens.

When you gamify experiences at work, you electrify employee engagement, increase happiness and loyalty, and bolster your brand’s culture.

Drive your culture forward with the best meetings and event platform from Espresa.

The best platform for exceptional employee experiences

  • One-click sign-up and registration
  • Homepage personalization
  • Tag favorite classes and events
  • Search by campus or event
  • Integrated Google or Outlook calendars
  • Immediate experience feedback loop online and in-app

Making heroes out of human resources

  • Setup meetings and events in minutes, by campus, employee type, currency, and subsidy levels
  • Set event attendance capacity
  • Automatically prevent booking abuse
  • Announce and promote events in under 10 minutes
  • Quickly create marketing and promotional pages

Your competitive advantage is your people. Happy people make more successful companies. Be the company where happiness happens.

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