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Espresa is the first-ever platform providing employees with holistic and meaningful experiences. The automation, efficiency, and analytics enable companies to deploy and manage amazing workplace employee experience programs and compete for top talent.

Joe Farris, Co-Founder of Nua Group, former Senior Partner and San Francisco Office Leader of Mercer

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Supercharge your Superstars with Recognition + Rewards

Improve employee experience at your organization. Learn how recognition and rewards programs increase morale and contribute to a thriving workplace culture.

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Increasing Employee Engagement with Reimbursement Allowance Programs

Discover how reimbursement programs allow organizations to give back to employees.

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Harnessing the Power of Employee Resource Groups

Successful Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) don’t just happen. Find out how to organize and manage ERGs that improve employee engagement.

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Workplace Programs Participation Benchmark Data

Do you know how your workplace programs stack up? Check out our benchmark data in this fun infographic.

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Loyalty is a Two Way Street

Are your employees engaged or heading out the door? This white paper explores how retention equates to engaging employee programs.

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Employee Programs Funding Affects Engagement

Did you know that there are 3 types of funding models for employee programs? Choose wisely based on your engagement goals.

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Workplace Programs One Size Fits None

How do you manage multiple generations preferences for workplace programs?

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Bring in the Best Talent and Give Them a Reason to Stay

Workplace programs help leading businesses to attract and retain top talent.

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Case Study

Energous Case Study

Energous connects with employees through engaging onsite programs in this case study.

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Level Up the Employee Experience

Do you know how to win the global war for talent? Employee experience is key. See how your current programs stack up.

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Using On-Site Employee Services to Drive Business Success

Thinking about offering workplace programs? Find out if they're right for you.

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