When we think of employee programs, most of us immediately see yoga or pilates in our minds. That’s because companies like to focus on workplace programs that amplify employee wellness, which is why the latest trend in programs is medical.

We’ve seen a rise in medical programs for employees. You may be familiar with the seasonal flu shots, usually done in October, or BMI screenings, but have you ever thought about bringing a doctor to your campus?

Companies are starting to offer chiropractors, dentists and eye doctors on campus. These particular medical providers usually only offer office hours during the work day, leaving employees to either put off their health maintenance or be forced to take time out of their busy day to address medical concerns. Bringing the doctors to campus is a huge benefit to employees both in travel time saved but also in convenience.

We’ve seen schedules for eye exams book up fully in less than 30 minutes. That’s because it’s covered by most medical insurances with a small copay and eye exams are so valuable for employees, most of whom have eye strain from staring at computer screens all day. Those same employees are likely suffering from back or neck strain that results from hours of computer work. Providing chiropractor services, that often need repeated visits, gets employees out of pain so they can focus on the task at hand.

While most people dread going to the dentist, annual exams and teeth cleaning are imperative to an employee’s health. Making it as easy as possible for employees by offering basic dental services on campus encourages them to participate in healthy living.

One of the most popular dental services that employees enjoy is teeth whitening. Employees can book these programs right on campus. In fact, the dentist has become so popular that some companies are even building dedicated rooms to accommodate their medical providers.

Providing healthcare services on campus encourages your employees to stay healthy, which ultimately reduces the risk of injury and sickness helping to keep your health insurance premiums as low as possible. Bringing the doctor to campus shows your employees just how much you care about their health and wellbeing.


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